Оценка экологической безопасности региона

На сегодняшний день в мировой практике существует две концепции экологической безопасности: техногенная и биосферная.  Данные подходы не учитывают влияния социально-экономического  развития и человеческого фактора на уровень экологической безопасности региона. Для оценки экологической безопасности предлагаем определить взаимодействие таких факторов как социально-экономическое развитие региона, его экологическое состояние, их воздействие на развитие человеческого потенциала.

Data Discremenation

Any system can develop only if there are differences in the development of its constituent elements. Therefore, a certain level of differentiation of socio-economic systems is useful, since, by creating a certain spatial competition or tension, it contributes to overall development. However, the strengthening of regional differentiation creates problems for the implementation of effective state policy in terms of leveling the socio-economic development of the country’s regions and bringing their characteristics closer to the levels of more developed territories. As a result of the flow of capital and the able-bodied population from poor regions to rich ones, the risks of regional crises and inter-regional conflicts increase, that is, differentiation in this case discourages development, and it is necessary to reduce it.

Big Data

The article deals with the issues of assessing the impact of territorial development differentiation on the sustainable growth of the country’s economy.

The ambiguous effect of this factor is proved in paper.

The formation of the state territorial development policy depends on the direction of the influence of the differentiation factor (negative or, on the contrary, stimulating).

The authors estimated the dependence of the growth of the country’s economy on the territorial differentiation by calculating the integral indicator of the differentiation of the socio-economic development of municipalities by constituent entities of the Russian Federation and assessing the concentration of GRP throughout the country. The typology of the subjects of the Russian Federation by the level of differentiation of the socio-economic development of the regions allowed to determine its critical level, after which differentiation stimulating influence arises.